Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Homework. So far so good. We had to come up with a title and hypothesis for our lab paper. SO, mine is:


My hypothesis is that Dreamfields pasta will impact blood sugar less than regular run-of-the-mill pasta.

So now I'm looking for guinea pigs. To apply, you have to be in the Magic Valley, and you have to agree to get your finger stuck multiple times, and you have to be willing to eat plain pasta for breakfast. Yum.

Oh, and the good thing? Two of my group's members were not in lab yesterday, and the other decided to do a different project. So YAY, I'm doing it by myself!

Some of the people in the class are quite creative. One group is going to see which is more explosive when shaken - Shasta Cola or Coca Cola Classic. One group is going to see what cat food cats like better, and one is going to see if beer or water goes through a human's system faster. (???!!!)

Lecture is just that...lecture. Not much going on there except note taking. My American National Government Class is self-study. I have until September 12 to read one more chapter and take a test. There are 4 tests total, so I have plenty of time.
Starstruck...or should that be starSTUCK?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Back to School

So I've started classes. And yes, it was *exactly* as scary as I thought it would be. I've forgotten how to go to school. Forgotten how to take notes, forgotten how to do the entire class experience.

I'm taking 2 courses. Biology 201 and Political Science 101 (American Government) The government class is self-study, so I just need to read the book and take tests. I hope to jam right through that class so I have it off my mind and can focus on Biology.

So for Biology, my schedule worked out that I had Lab before I ever had leture. I was surprised. I thought the lab would closely follow the lecture, but it is like taking a completely different course. The instructor is different, even. I'm taking Lab from Heidi Hawkins, and we used to climb with her and her husband, "long ago". Long enough ago that she didn't remember me, and I had to remind her.

I managed to be 5 minutes late for class. Way to go CJ, late for the first lab! Long story. I actually got to the college 1/2 hour before lab started, but the line in financial aid was about 4 miles long with all the secretaries out to lunch or something. I know, excuses excuses.

And I got roped into a group project. Our "project" for the semester is to do a simple experiment using the Scientific Method. We can do it on our own, or with a group. The table I was sitting at had 4 people, and I made the ...well, I wouldn't call it a "mistake", really...but it's ended up that we will probably do the project together. I think I'd probably prefer to do it on my own. We're going to be testing the assertion that Dreamfield's pasta does not spike blood sugar levels like regular pasta does. One of the people at my table kept trying to "modify" my experiment, so I finally said that this was the experiment I was doing, they could do it or not if they wanted. It looks like they want. Which is OK, really. I need to learn to do group projects. At least the paper we write is not a group thing...we all must write our own lab reports.

That's scary in and of itself. I've never written a lab report, and my writing skills are not what you'd call great. I made it into the Honor's English program at Graceland, simply on my ACT/SAT scores, but I've never had good luck in a College English class. All the instructors want me to see these deep meanings in boring stories, and I'm afraid the deep meanings they want me to see are simply not there. And I certainly can't write about them. I can't even manage to fake it well enough.

SO, I'm hoping that writing a lab report will be easier, since it's suppposedly based on fact. We'll see. For Tuesday's lab, I'm supposed to have the topic and hypothesis of my lab report done. Easy. I can do that. If I remember, I'll try and put up my assignmnets here.

Lab Lecture scared me to death. The instructor is wonderful. She's cute and funny and interesting. And so far the information is nothing I haven't had before in either high school biology, or in the bio100 I took at Graceland. BUT, when the instructor walks in and says "This is Biology 1. This is a class for Science majors. This is a hard class. This class has [something like] a 50% drop rate", someone who hasn't gone to school for almost a decade has a heart attack. That would be me. Heart attack.

Anyway, I'm stuck now. Bought my $250 worth of books, and took them out of their wrappers, so they're non-refundable.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sitting Up

Nolan's new trick for this week is sitting up.

He's so interesting. It seems to me like he'll never do something that he's supposed to be doing by now, not even a little bit, then, all of a sudden, he can do it and he can do it perfectly with no practice. It was like that with his sitting. One minute, he didn't even try to keep himself upright when I propped him up, the next, he was sitting like he's been doing it for weeks.

Getting up on his hands and knees was like that, too. He just layed there like a lump, then I guess he decided that he wanted to get up on his hands and knees, so he did it. Now, I'm expecting him to just all of a sudden one day be crawling like a champ.
Hug the Wolf
Time Out Wolf

Monday, August 08, 2005

6 Months

Nolan is now 6 months, so he had his latest set of immunizations (only 2 this time!) and his checkup.

He is 20 pounds, 3 oz. 90th percentile
28 inches tall, 90th percentile
44cm head circumference, 50th percentile.

So, a little smaller than he has been in comparison to ther babies. Ah, well. I don't suppose that he can remain a giant his entire life. The NP who did his checkup says that it's likely he'll be somewhere "over 6 feet"...the figure she gave me was 6'2, but you know how that goes. "They" said Ben was going to be something like 5'10"...and we all know how that turned out. :-)

For those that don't know, my brother is around 6'2" and over 200 pounds.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

What Nolan can do

Boy, I've been terrible at updating this thing.

Nolan had his 6 month birthday 2 days ago, and he decided now that he's six months, he can crawl. Ok, so it was only one little "step" but he can do military regulation pushups, and sometimes he can get on his hands and knees.

He is quite the little creature of habit. He wakes up at 6:30 every morning, eats breakfast, plays, then goes to sleep at 8:30 for his first nap. He then sleeps for 2 hours. He has second breakfast, plays, then takes another nap at 10:30. He sleeps for 2 hours. Repeat every 2 hours. He goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps all night. Then we wake up and do it all over again.

He likes his baby food, for the most part. We gave up on rice cereal, since he vomits every time I try to give it to him. He likes applesauce, bananas, carrots, and green beans. In other words, everything we've tried so far he seems to enjoy.

What *I* don't enjoy are the diapers since he started eating 'real' food. P.U.

The carseat we got him was a Britax Companion. It's supposed to fit them up to 1 year. Yeah, right. We ended up getting him the Britax Wizard 2 weeks ago. At least this one will fit him for a while. The first time I put him in it, it took approximately .5 seconds for him to throw up in it. Story of my life lately. What *hasn't* the kid puked on?
Naked Baby
Totally Out
I like my Walker