So far so good! I have had 3 tests and one assignment due so far. The tests came back pretty good. Government 91%, Bio lecture 100% and Bio Lab 96% - that one should have been 100, also, but I didn't use quite the right phrasology to describe "depth of focus" so missed one question. I knew what it was, I just didn't quite explain myself well enough. THAT irritated me to no end. It should have been right. Grrrrrr.
The lab instructor just pointed to my 96% and looked at me like I was nuts for complaining, but I really don't like missing a question when I know what the right answer is! Argh.
The assignment that was due was the rough draft of my Title, Introduction, and Methods sections of the scientific paper I am writing. So far so good. I will need to do a little polishing on it before the final draft of those sections are due next Tuesday. Mainly, I need to get my citations in order and fill in some blanks in my background research, which is basically how the body processes carbohydrates.
Welcome to CJ and Nolan's blog! I've not been updating as often as I should; hopefully I'll be better about that. In the meantime, enjoy!
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
We have a tooth!!
Yep, the first one peeked out just a little bit yesterday. He's a little cranky, but not anything like what I thought it would be like.
Monday, September 12, 2005
An Adventure Story

First, he saw a huge shaggy orange striped tiger. He decided to go tiger hunting. He crept closer and closer. Oh NO! The tiger saw him and ran away! Oh well, maybe some other day.

Next, he saw shiny gold rings on the floor of the kitchen. They were very pretty so he decided to go get them. He crawled and crawled, and soon he could play with the ring. But this got boring, so he decided to go exploring some more.

He looked up and saw a deep, dark cave. Funny thumping sounds were coming from the cave. Interesting. So he crawled and crawled until he was in the cave. It was dark and there were lots of strange big things to touch and feel. He found a big plastic jug of something, so he grabbed it and tried to pull it into the light of the kitchen where he could play with it. It was really heavy. He pulled and pulled but he could only tip it over and move it a little bit.
Meanwhile, Mommy was done using the bathroom. She went out to the living room where she left Nolan and his toys. There were toys everywhere, but no Nolan! Mommy was worried. Where could Nolan have gone? He was not in the living room. He was not in the kitchen, and he was not in Mommy's bedroom. Where was he?
Then she heard a thump coming from the Laundry Room. She went into the dark laundry room, and there was Nolan! Mommy picked him up and gave him a hug. She was very happy that Nolan wasn't lost.
And that is Nolan's adventure.
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