Saturday, December 27, 2008

Learn Something New Every Day

Such as, people who are allergic to either pistachios or cashews are often allergic to the other.  There's a good article at CalgaryAllergy to read on tree nut allergies.  Just click the title of this post.

We discovered this tonight when Nolan ate a Pistachio and immediately his lips puffed up like a fish.  NOT fun.  His poor mother is still shaking.

Nolan has had Benadryl and is now bouncing off the walls.  I think it will be a long night.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nolan at the Christmas Program

Nolan loves to play with Ethan; here they are at the Christmas Program. First, they sat and watched, then they danced in the aisles. Later, they sat on Santa's lap (I have it on good authority that the ancient Santa costume SMELLS REALLY BAD.) and told him what they wanted for Christmas.

Taking the Ranger for a Ride

Jerry got the tracks on his crew, so he and Nolan went and busted some drifts!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yep, it's really me

Me, 3 years old, onstage at a Violin recital.  I think I must have been afraid of the reporter or something.  This is scanned from our local newspaper and cleared up a bit.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Nolan's Story

Tonight, Nolan had me write down a story he made up. Here it is:

There was a little boy and he appeared and floated away. Then the little boy it was like he was being mad. And then there was a little girl with a rope. And the little boy held the rope across the rocks but one rock was slippery and he fell in the water. Then he got up.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Camie - Calling it.

Some of you may know that Camalot (spelled that way on purpose), our Alaskan Husky/German Shepherd/Saint Bernard mix has been missing for the past few weeks.

Over this summer, she progressively had been slowing down, and when, one day, she became deaf overnight, we realized she'd had at least one small stroke. She became more and more senile and because of the deafness, and the progression of cataracts, she started to become a different acting dog. In addition, she suffered from Spondylosis, a degenerative spinal condition, which we believe was exacerbated by an injury to the spine on her rump when she was younger. Because of this, the nerves to her back legs, and to some extent, her bladder, were becoming affected.

She began digging out of the yard, which worried us because of her blindness and deafness; when she would get out, she couldn't see to get back in, nor could she hear someone trying to help her back into the yard. Senility compounded this problem, and she didn't even seem to recognize people by scent, and would panic when we attempted to lead her back through the gate.

A couple of weeks ago, she escaped again, and when Jerry's Grandmother tried to put her back, she growled (my dogs do NOT growl at people...ever...period.) at her and ran off into the cornfield.

We havent seen her since, and because of the behavior Jerry's Grandmother described, we believe she probably was beginning to have another stroke.

So, it's rather certain she's no longer with us.

Miss you, Camie.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jill Windes Master's Recital 01

Because Jill really probably won't blog this. Here's a little taste of her Master's recital...the rest is up on my YouTube; click the post title to get there.  Or google Jill Windes.  She's popular.

Because Jill probably won't blog it

Click the link, hear Jill sing a "superlatively cracked piece of music", in her words.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Boston Dynamics Big Dog (new video March 2008)

Jill told me about this creature. I hesitate to say 'robot''ll see. It's just too *real* looking! If it wasn't for the motor whine, you'd think it was alive.

Friday, August 15, 2008

And here are the pictures

Welcome Kasen Jay Windes!

My phone's camera was not cooperating, so no picture of the baby yet, but here's Daddy and Big Brother with their 'cigars.'

I am very happy to be an Aunt again.

Hopefully pictures of the actual baby are to come.

The stats:
7 lb 1 oz
20.5 inches
REALLY darn cute.

And, yet again, a redhead. Sigh. I seem to be the only one without one.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bill Studebaker

I'm just a bit sad lately. I found out before we left for our family reunion that the man who taught me to kayak was missing and presumed drowned on the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River (Whew! Say that 3 times fast!)

While it's sad, it's not really surprising. Just about everyone that new "Spill" thought he'd probably "die with his feet in a boat" (his words). So here are a few links, not sure how long they're going to be up, but I'll keep them here anyway. If they don't work, google his name. The most news coverage is located at

I very distinctly remember his advice to me when I was just learning, and more than a bit nervous. He told me to "Run it until you're bored with it, then run it backwards, then run it sideways, then run it upside down."

Of course, he'd never be 'bored with it'. He just loved the river.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Whiten Teeth With Natural Methods - wikiHow

My homepage is iGoogle, and one of the items I have set up to show is 'How To of the Day' - todays' was a neat article on natural toothpastes/whiteners. Since it had a link to publish to my blog, I thought I'd do it. Enjoy!

How to Whiten Teeth With Natural Methods

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Nobody likes yellowing teeth, yet nobody likes the expensive dentist bills that arrive with a brilliant new smile. However, money isn't everything; these methods are not only breaking the bank, they can damage your teeth, so stay natural and keep healthy.


The Charcoal Rub
  1. Take a piece of Charcoal (a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood) and rub against the yellowing tooth or teeth.
  2. Rub gently for about 30 secs to 1 minute. Watch out not to brush your gums.
  3. Wash off with water then brush with toothpaste as normal.
  4. Do this every morning and evening

The Strawberry Method

  1. Gather some strawberries and mash them up into a paste.
  2. Apply the paste to your teeth using a soft, clean toothbrush or finger
  3. Leave the paste on for 2-5 minutes
  4. Wash it all off thoroughly, including the seeds.
  5. Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.

The Orange Peel Method

  1. Peel an orange
  2. Rub the inside (that's the paler bit with pith on it) of the orange peel all over your teeth
  3. Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste

Hydrogen Peroxide

  1. Purchase some hydrogen peroxide (chances are you may already have some in the house)
  2. Pour a small amount onto a q-tip
  3. Rub it all over your teeth, trying not to touch gums
  4. Rinse mouth with clean water
  5. Brush with fluoride toothpaste

Home-Made Toothpaste

  1. Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide
  2. Brush your teeth as normal with this paste once a week/fortnight
  3. Rinse out well with clean water
  4. Follow up with a good brand of mouthwash (Listerine, Sensodyne, etc)


  • Stay away from tobacco products (cigarettes, etc)
  • Rinse your mouth after drinking discoloring drinks such as coffee and after eating discoloring foods such as tomato sauce


  • Using these methods too often will damage the enamel on your teeth, and once your enamel is damaged it is almost irreversible. Try to use these methods once a week at the absolute most, less if you can.
  • If these methods cause you bad pain, stop using them at once, although the hydrogen peroxide should sting a bit, that's normal.
  • Try not to brush your teeth until at least ten minutes after meals, as it can be damaging to the enamel if you brush too soon.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Whiten Teeth With Natural Methods. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The stretch of road

Jerry's grandparents own a mile. One, straight, flat, nice, wide highway runs along the south edge of that mile. Grandpa and Grandma live on the west end, Jerry's sister owns the house at the east end, and we live in a farmhouse halfway between.

Twenty years ago, the east end had a large S curve that was known as one of the most dangerous stretches of road in the area. Now, two decades later, the accident rate doesn't seem to have changed at all.

Almost exactly a year ago, we came home to a small red car buried in the black walnut grove just east of our house. A guy driving west swerved right into the fence, over the irrigation ditch, and slammed through the trees, smashing the car against one of the larger black walnuts. If that walnut tree hadn't been there he would have stopped approximately in the vicinity of the middle of our living room. He walked away. Before that, a man died when their 5th wheel trailer came unhitched halfway between our place and Sister's. Those are only two of many.

Tonight, I was watching TV downstairs when Jerry came home from the barn. Jerry, being Jerry, only says "Well, that was an interesting night."

A Dodge pickup carrying a family of five (including 3 little girls and the family dog) was traveling west, coming home from getting $700 worth of groceries. At the corner where Grandpa and Grandma live, a Topaz carrying 3 men ran the stop sign, and the father of the 3 girls could not stop. The truck ended up smashing the car off the road, and landed against it in a full irrigation ditch, with all 3 men in the car unconscious and either partially or entirely submerged, and the water rising.

Jerry's dad had gone out to get another bunch of cows to put in the barn, and saw the wreck very soon after it happened (within minutes). When Jerry, his dad, and grandpa got out there, the driver of the truck was out of his truck, UNDERWATER, pulling a man who was unconscious and submerged out of the car. As they pulled him out, he regained consciousness.

The man they rescued was screaming for them to also save his Grandpa and Uncle. Jerry looked into the car, and while the two men still trapped did not have their heads submerged, it was obvious their injuries were bad enough that they should NOT be moved, and he saw that there was most likely nothing anyone could do. Over it all...of course...massive alcohol smell in that car.

At this point, the 3 girls and mom still in the truck had pretty much a direct view of two dead bodies. A very nice man in a suburban stopped and shifted the girls and mom to his car, where they could be warm and away from the accident. It turned out he was not even from around here, but was lost and trying to find his way to a High School Golf tournament.

In the end, of the two men left in the car, the grandfather was pulled out of the car and covered with no lifesaving measures taken, as there was nothing anyone could do. The other was intubated, but work stopped before they even got all the way to the ambulance. In fact, lifeflight had been called, but actually broke down and had to abandon the mission. Fortunately, (or unfortunately) they were unneeded. Also, there was another accident at nearly the same time on the freeway which also required a lifeflight call. Fortunately, that chopper was able to make the pickup and that person is reported in critical condition at the hospital tonight.

I don't know what the deal is with this stretch of highway, but on this mile, there is at least one fatality a year. We morbidly 'joke' that people forget that the 'S' curve isn't there anymore, and try to follow it right into the fields, but it is just so very strange how many accidents happen on a perfectly straight, flat section of road right out in front of our house.

Yes, Jerry is fine. He is ok in dealing with the things he saw tonight, and he's so thankful that it wasn't 3 little girls' bodies he was helping to pull out of the wreckage. Even the family dog is ok. So often, it's the drunk driver(s) that come out unscathed, while the victims do not, but tonight those three little girls and their mother and father ALL go home with each other to hold on to. Unfortunately, some mothers' son/brother/father/husbands should have slept it off instead of getting in that car. Not a good Mother's day for them.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Let the Dragon ride again

"The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time."

I posted before, when Robert Jordan died. Here's the followup to that post. The above phrase is apt, because Harriet (RJ's Widow) has chosen an author to finish "A Memory of Light"

His name's Brandon Sanderson, and he just hit the $64 million jackpot. Interestingly, he lives in Provo and teaches at BYU. That makes him practically a neighbor! Talk about overnight fame and fortune. When you get called up to write for Robert Jordan, you are an instant best seller. In fact, my dad tried to get me a hardback of one of his books, and there are none available.

"What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow" - I love Jordan's books. I love his writing. I am scared to death that this will in some way diminish the series. Yes, I know the notes are extensive, and some of it is even narrated by Jordan, but there is no one who writes with his style, and depth.

Brandon Sanderson has several books out. The first, Elantris, is a standalone, which I enjoyed. A little obvious in plot, and I have to admit to a secret love here, because many of the charactar's personalities rung a bell in my head. In Elantris, I found myself comparing his characters to Eddings. Yes, Eddings. Hey. We all like junk food. We all have secret vices. Eddings is just that - fantasy junk food. Delicious, fun, with absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever.

Sanderson's current books are the Mistborn trilogy (two books out right now.) I finally found the first in paperback. It's apparently not available in hardback, though I wonder if they'll print some more now that he's so in demand. I did not enjoy these so much. There's another author, David Farland, that I've read, and couldn't get past the first two books in his Runelords series. They read like an RPG manual. Ugh. More plot, more action, less "points narrative"! So when I saw, on the cover of the second Mistborn book...a quote from David Farland, endorsing the series, I just about decided not to read them at all. And yep, I can see why Farland would like them. It's an original idea, Sanderson's form of "magic", but Oh, my goodness, it's BORING.

This that and the other thing:

I am very, very disappointed. A Memory of Light will reveal who killed Asmodean. I wish that it were not so. The mystery, and the clues, and the fact that RJ thought it was "obvious" all go toward his persona; his sheer genius. I wish they would leave it hanging, just like he did. And no, I don't have a clue who it might have been, but the mystery is the point, isn't it? We know RJ never intended to close every plotline. This is one that should remain open.

Also, there will be no distinction between what RJ actually wrote and what BS (argh! the initials are even bad!) wrote. I want to know. I want to know exactly what RJ wrote with his own head and hands, and what is written posthumously. Even if he quit writing int he middle of a sentence; in the middle of a word.

The one thing that makes me hopeful is that Harriet was Jim's editor for every single WOT book. I'm hoping by now she is an expert on his style and vision, and can help Mr. Sanderson carry out the job to the closest tolerances.

Thursday, January 10, 2008