Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Big, Brave Boy

Because of his Pistachio Incident just after Christmas, we went to see an Allergist today.   (He has given me the official "good Mother" seal of approval, because I not only had an Epi-pen for Nolan, but I had it in my purse.)   

As part of the appointment, Nolan had to have blood drawn for the allergy tests they are going to do.  The nurse who drew the blood was amazing, and was able to tell Nolan what was going on without causing any apprehension on his part.  So many times when you speak reasurringly to a little tyke, they figure out in a big hurry that there is or will be something in the near future that they *need* to be worried about.  

She also had a parent system.  She had me lay on the table with Nolan, in a spoon position.  His feet got trapped between my knees, his head was in the crook of my arm, and my other arm layed over him.  He obviously felt very safe and secure.  He did cry when they put the needle in his arm, but forgot all about the needle when the nurse handed him a vial of his own blood to hold while she drew the other 2 vials.  Nolan thought (and I quote) it was "AWESOME!"

So hopefully, this has set the stage for other shots and blood draws.  He was a very brave boy.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Cute and the...Repetitive?

When Nolan was tiny, my mother was taking care of my nephew, Aaron.  Aaron was quite attached to his Nana, and was very jealous of anyone else having her attention.

At one point, Mom was holding Nolan and Aaron decided he didn't want that AT ALL.  He walked up to her, and in a very indigndant 2-year-old voice, told her in no uncertian terms, "Baby down, NOW!"

Fast forward 4 years to Aaron's sixth birthday party.  Nolan is now the older cousin, with Aaron's little brother Kasen at 5 months old.  Mom was holding Kasen, and Nolan wanted some Nana attention.  So he walked up to Mom and told her, "Put the baby down!"

Funny how history repeats itself, isn't it?