Monday, October 24, 2005

And Yet More School

And Yet More School

I’m really getting in the groove of this school thing.  I’ve always liked school, but now that I have a clear purpose and goal, and I *KNOW* what I would like to do (it only took me a decade to decide!) I’m truly enjoying it.  I like it all.  The papers, the tests, the lectures, the lab.  Fun, fun fun.

This semester, I have Biology 1 and American National Government.

The government class is not too bad, since I believe that every person should have a working knowledge of his/her government, and especially in the US where every person has a say in what the government is.  The people that believe their vote doesn’t count just irritate me…hello?  George W. Bush’s first presidential election???!!!
Anyway, I digress.  For my degree, I need to become “core certified” which  means that I have several general education classes I must take before I can get a degree.  I already have an AAS in Computer-aided-drafting, but an AAS (Associate of Applied Science) is a technical degree, not an Academic one, so I skipped all the “extraneous” stuff.  Basically, I have to take a Social Sciences class and two humanities classes.  American National Govermnent had the added bonus of being an independent study course.  So I go once a month and take a test on the reading assigned in the study guide.  The first test wasn’t bad, but man, this second one…so many court cases to memorize!  I am certain I pretty much bombed it.  I haven’t gotten the results back, though…and it’s been a couple of weeks.  

My Biology course is a different story.  I love everything about it.  I love the lecture, the lecture instructor is a kick in the pants and very knowledgeable.  She also makes it fun to be there and easy to understand.  And the lab.  Cool as beans.  I love doing the experiments.  In fact, we have a practical exam tomorrow.  I even love those.

Next semester may be a different story.  I’m taking only one class, it’s Chemistry 111…basically, it’s one I need, and fits into my schedule, but it’s a five credit class, 1 hour four days a week and three hours one day a week for lab.  Whew!  That’s going to cut into my time, for sure.

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