Thursday, March 08, 2007


We're demoting ourselves - from the lofty reaches of homeownership to the life of lowly renters. The opportunity came up for us to get into a house on Jerry's Grandparents' property, and we jumped at it. Both of us grew up around 10 miles from town, and living with exactly 12 feet between our house and the neighbors was really starting to bother us.

So we moved, and we've spent the last few weeks slowly getting all our stuff out and into the new house. The new place is totally surrounded by trees! It's only 2 bedroom, but the square footage is actually larger than our house in town, so the bedrooms are almost twice as big. We've also gained a dining room, a larger kitchen and utility room, plus a basement that has a cellar and a largish room that we have converted to a TV/Playroom. It'll also be our computer office once we get the office bench/shelves built. We have a garage, too!

Personally, I am happy we're out here in the country; Nolan has been "helping" Grandpa Bob and Grandpa Wayne fix the pipe to the cow waterer. He loves being able to take hikes and play on the big tractors.

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