Wednesday, February 02, 2005

No baby yet!

Nope, nothing.

I am getting very impatient, and the waiting, of course, has me thinking of all sorts of things.

The doctor says if I have not gone into labor by 41 weeks (that's 2 weeks from today) that they will induce labor. While at that point, I may be ready for *anything* to get this kid out, it still worries me a bit.

You see, my ex-sister-in-law had a *terrible* experience with induction. Also, when I first got pregnant, my due date was March 5. After seeing the doctor the first time, she said I was "too big" to be 10 weeks along, and suggested we do an ultrasound to make sure there weren't twins in there. The ultrasound showed only one baby, but one that was an entire 4 weeks farther along than we thought I was.

Thus my worry. If I hit 41 weeks, what's to say that the ultrasound was not accurate (happens more often than you would think) and the doctor wants to induce, then I could actually be at 37 weeks, which puts the baby 3 weeks early. I would hope they'd do more tests and maybe another ultrasound to see for sure if he's ready to be born, at that point!

Also, I'm a little sad. Sort of like the sad some people are at weddings. My life is about to change in a vastly drastic manner. For the past nine and a half years, it's just been me and Jerry. Just the two of us. That will never be the case again, and it's a big change.

I suppose I'm not complaining. I wanted this little guy from the start, and honestly, the pregnancy has been great. Even now, I'm not miserable, as much as I moan about wanting the kid OUT, it's not a factor of uncomfortableness, it's simply me being impatient to meet him. Not that I'm really all that comfortable. It's just not so uncomfortable that I'm completely unhappy all the time.

The really hard thing is sleep. I have to get up about once an hour to "use the facilities" and people keep telling me that I should sleep now, because after Nolan's here, I won't be sleeping! I figure it can't be that much worse than getting up every hour. We'll see. I may change my tune!

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