Tuesday, February 22, 2005


ACK! Someone should have warned me about this.

It's really not so bad, if you don't mind never sleeping. Nolan sleeps great. I don't sleep much at all.

I just get so paranoid. "They" tell you that you should always lay babies on their backs to sleep; it's supposed to reduce the risk of SIDS. So that's great, one less worry on my mind, right? Not a chance. I lay him on his back, like a good mommie, get in bed (approximately 6 inches from the bassinet) and then I lay there listening. Every noise must be carefully analyzed, to make sure it's not him spitting up and drowning. Because when I lay him on his back, how's he supposed to breathe if he spits up?

I am well armed, with my trusty red flashlight sitting within easy reach. Red so it doesn't glare and wake him up when I shine it on him to make sure he's not choking.

So he finally goes to sleep. Whew. Quiet. Great, I know he's not choking. On the other hand, I can't tell if he's breathing or not. At least when he's making noise, I know he's got to be getting air into his lungs. So I lay there, with my trusty red flashlight, staring at his chest, watching him breathe.

Jerry, of course, is dead to the world the moment his head hits the pillow. How nice would that be? Sleep, I mean. He must have a clear concience, because he and Nolan sleep exactly alike. Like the dead. Nothing, and I mean nothing, short of a nuclear explosion will wake either of them up.

Gosh, I'm jealous. I hope I feel better when Nolan's old enough to roll himself over...but of course, then I'll probably invent something ELSE to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't get better - I still check on Griffin to make sure he's breathing before I can go to sleep!
